View Full Version : Asisa gives 52% to Danilo Medina

04-03-2012, 02:00 PM
The Asisa Research Group polling company released findings of a recent poll that says that 52.8% of eligible voters would favor ruling PLD party candidate, Danilo Medina and 45% for the PRD's Hipolito Mejia if the elections were today. 0.3% said they would vote for Guillermo Moreno of Alianza Pais.

The new poll showed Mejia's percentage down by 1.3% and Medina's up 0.07%.

50.6% said they favor the PLD and 43.9% said they favor the PRD. 1.2% favored the PRSC, a PLD political ally. All PRSC votes will be added to those of the PLD presidential candidate.

The pollsters divided up the country by region, showing that the PLD is stronger in five of seven. As reported in Hoy, the PLD leads in the National District by 10.6 points, in the Province of Santo Domingo by 13 points, in Santiago by 7.5, in the southern region 14.1% and in the northeast 12.2%. The PRD is stronger in the northwest by 17%, and the east 12%.

Another finding was that 27.2% said the government Solidaridad welfare card is the government's greatest achievement, while 32.1% say that generation of jobs is its greatest weakness.

For the poll, from 27-28 March 1,534 eligible voters were surveyed. Asisa says the poll has a 2.53% plus or minus margin of error.

Asisa is due to publish results of two more polls prior to the 20 May 2012 presidential election.

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