View Full Version : Felix Bautista denies accusations re Martelly

04-04-2012, 02:40 PM
Senator Felix Bautista is denying the recent accusations that he financed Haitian President Michel Martelly's election campaign, or that he ever gave him money, and said that he had all the documentation necessary to prove that the accusations against him, made in the program Nuria on Channel 9, and other media, were false, and formed part of a defamatory campaign.

He warned that when the time was right he would take legal action against those responsible and that a team of lawyers were currently studying all the information including videos, documents, interviews and commentaries made by several media outlets in order to take the appropriate action.

He went on to quote from the Bible, Chapter three, verses 1-9 of the book of Ecclesiastes, "everything has its time", and said that for now he was concentrating on the election campaign.

Investigative journalist Nuria Piera in turn responded on a TV interview.

"It is natural that the Haitian government says no, I could not expect the opposite," Nuria Piera added on Telenoticias Channel 11 TV program. She recalled that in the Watergate affair, in the US, the authorities spent much time contradicting the results of the investigation by Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein.

Piera noted that so far there have been only words on the part of the parties concerned while what she did was "an investigative piece of work, about what happened in the countries (Dominican Republic) and how it has had an impact in Haiti because the Haitian president is involved, so pathetic."

Piera finds it particularly difficult to understand why Martelly continued to receive money after his accession to the presidency of Haiti. Otherwise, she explains, this would simply be a case where a Dominican politician, Felix Bautista, is supporting a Haitian politician.

The journalist said that it was strange that Bautista has received several million dollars in contracts for the reconstruction of Haiti. Of a total of US$500 million, Bautista received US$385 million through his companies, the report reveals.

www.hoy.com.do/el-pais/2012/4/3/421876/Felix-Bautista-dice-nunca-le-ha-dado-dinero-a-Martelly (http://www.hoy.com.do/el-pais/2012/4/3/421876/Felix-Bautista-dice-nunca-le-ha-dado-dinero-a-Martelly)





www.acento.com.do/index.php/news/14852/56/Felix-Bautista-usa-La-Biblia-para-negar-caso-de-corrupcion-vinculado-a-Martelly.html (http://www.acento.com.do/index.php/news/14852/56/Felix-Bautista-usa-La-Biblia-para-negar-caso-de-corrupcion-vinculado-a-Martelly.html)

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