View Full Version : Priest says politicians are country's main problem

04-09-2012, 05:30 PM
Father Antonio Mendez of the parish of Ozama described politicians as "the country's main problem" in his traditional Easter sermon. "Crime cannot end because if the head doesn't work, the body won't either," he said, as quoted in El Caribe.

In the traditional Good Friday Seven Last Words sermon at the Cathedral of Santo Domingo, the priests criticized the corruption and violence that affects the DR, and asked for forgiveness for the scandals in which some priests have been involved. The Catholic priests mentioned violence that is of concern to Dominicans, as well as low wages, deficiencies in basic services and drug trafficking.

Father Jose Miguel Huertas of Arroyo Hondo parish criticized the practice of professionals and businesspeople whom evade taxes through undervaluing, contraband and price abuses and speculation. "The tolerance of vulgar robberies and white collar thievery indicates there is little interest and will to fight it or that it is protected by the immorality of judges and people who bribe them," he said.

German priest Martin Lenk called for Dominican nationality to be granted to everyone who is born in the country.

Father Miguel Angel Amarante criticized abuses against women and said that the country is suffering an epidemic of feminicides.

www.elcaribe.com.do/2012/04/09/sacerdotes-critican-corrupcion (http://www.elcaribe.com.do/2012/04/09/sacerdotes-critican-corrupcion)

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