View Full Version : New checking rules

04-09-2012, 05:30 PM
The Association of Commercial Banks in the Dominican Republic (ABA) has issued a notice reconfirming how checks should be filled in the Dominican Republic. ABA stresses that the date must be written in numerical format, using the order of day (09), month (04), year (2012). On the front of the check, only a minimal space on the left side above the bank numbers can be used for any handwritten note. The check cannot be stamped on the front. On the back, the endorsement area is indicated in the check format and cannot go beyond this space.

ABA indicates that the transit period for checks is now reduced to two days, and in three months time the transit after the check is deposited in a bank will be one day.

Checks that do not fulfill the new requirements will not be accepted when presented for cashing at banks, or will be returned to the sender.

See www.aba.org.do/ABA2/noticiasdet.asp?docid=434 (http://www.aba.org.do/ABA2/noticiasdet.asp?docid=434)

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