View Full Version : No penalty for taking out 58 duplicate cedulas

04-12-2012, 03:50 PM
A recent news story about several people who have taken out more than 15,000 duplicate cedulas, the personal identification card and voter registration card that all citizens and residents are supposed to carry, took a new twist yesterday as the head of the Central Electoral Board (JCE), Roberto Rosario, revealed that there is nothing in the law that establishes limits on how many duplicates anyone may request of his or her cedula.

El Caribe recently reported Rosario's disclosure that 1,500 citizens had taken out more than 18,000 duplicates of their ID cards. One man, Juan Antonio Morales Rodriguez, took out 58 duplicates over a five-year period. However, over 90% of these duplicates were registered between 2000 and 2006. These duplicates have a high cost for the JCE since, according to Rosario, it costs the agency RD$1,500 to make a duplicate. So far during this period of free duplicates, the JCE has delivered more than 60,000 and it is expected to hand out over 280,000 before this phase closes down on 18 May, in time for the elections.

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