View Full Version : 34 deputy Sports ministers

04-12-2012, 03:50 PM
The Ministry of Sports has 34 deputy ministers on its payroll, according to a report in Hoy. The deputy ministers receive between RD$76,080 and RD$80,080 per month plus other benefits. The Minister of Sports is paid RD$122,601 per month. According to information from the Controller General Office, the Ministry of Sports has 4,780 employees and spends RD$44.1 million a month on wages. The amount does not take in consideration hundreds of athletes who are on the Ministry of Sports payroll and who receive between RD$2,000 and RD$20,000 a month. According to the Ministry of Sports website, 4,669 people are on the fixed wages payroll, another 57 have contracts, another 18 are down as monitors, a separate one for four foreign coaches, and another for athletes that does not specify the amount. Hoy reports that of the deputy ministers, there are 30 whose names are mentioned without specific responsibilities.

A Ministry of Public Administration resolution limits the number of deputy ministers in a Ministry to six.

Other government institutions with excessive numbers of deputy ministers include Agriculture (38), Education (25), Public Works and Tourism (21) and Environment and Interior & Police (19).

www.hoy.com.do/el-pais/2012/4/12/422764/Ministerio-de-Deportes-tiene-35-viceministros (http://www.hoy.com.do/el-pais/2012/4/12/422764/Ministerio-de-Deportes-tiene-35-viceministros)

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