View Full Version : DR Senate apologizes to US President

04-13-2012, 01:50 PM
The PLD is seeking to capitalize on a 2004 video where then-President Hipolito Mejia on the re-election campaign trail in the Bronx, New York mentions President Barack Obama, referring to his African heritage. Yesterday, the Senate issued a declaration signed by 31 of the 32 senators, apologizing to the President of the United States, Barak Obama for declarations attributed to Hipolito Mejia where he supposedly offended the US President when referring to his African heritage ("Obama came from Africa, and was born there," he is heard saying in the 2004 video). Mejia was appealing to a group of supporters in New York, saying that anyone could become President if Obama could. The 31 senators are representatives of the ruling PLD party.

They stated that the Dominican Republic had excellent diplomatic and commercial relationships with the United States, and mutual cooperation with its government and that more than a million Dominicans lived there, providing significant economic support to the national economy by means of remittances, and that the US was the DR's main trading partner and that both countries were signatories to international agreements rejecting racism and discrimination of all types.

The 31 Senators stated that politics in every form requires rational behavior, with integrity and respect. The only Senator not to sign the declaration was Amable Aristy Castro, PRSC member and supporter of Hipolito Mejia's current presidential candidacy.


www.listindiario.com/la-republica/2012/4/13/228662/El-Senado-pide-disculpas-a-Obama-por-alegada-ofensa (http://www.listindiario.com/la-republica/2012/4/13/228662/El-Senado-pide-disculpas-a-Obama-por-alegada-ofensa)

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