View Full Version : Asset laundering creates inflationary bubble

04-13-2012, 01:50 PM
National District prosecutor Yeni Berenice Reynoso has called for reforms in national and international policies for the prevention and prosecution of money laundering. She said that organized crime has no borders, as reported in Listin Diario. "Organized crime is now global; its prosecution nevertheless is undertaken on a national level since to obtain international cooperation we have to go through 11 steps of red tape". Reynoso was speaking on How Asset Laundering Affects the Country during the Third Bancamerica Anti-Laundering Conference held at the Hilton Hotel in Santo Domingo. She stated that the amount of asset laundering is difficult to quantify because it does not pay taxes.

The conference focused on how asset laundering affects the country. In her address, Reynoso said that free trade treaties, technology and the opening of markets and ports have also helped asset laundering. She added that the money is laundered in real estate, banking and in the purchase of award-winning lottery tickets.

Reynoso said that asset laundering creates an inflationary bubble that gives the misleading appearance of economic growth that really does not exist, as reported in Hoy. She explained that this is why you see high rises and so many luxury vehicles in the cities, when most of society perceives there is a high level of social inequality. She called for the authorities to see asset laundering with new vision. She mentioned that many government officials consider asset laundering to be good because it creates jobs. But she reminded the audience that it also brings an increase in violence, contract killings, and political and democratic instability.

Reynoso also addressed the legalization of drugs in Latin America. She said it was a very complex problem, and that countries in Latin America are not prepared for decriminalization.

She sees it as a public health problem, with consequential collateral crimes. She mentioned that in many cases, gender violence occurs when men act under the influence of drugs.

www.hoy.com.do/el-pais/2012/4/12/422910/Fiscal-DN-afirma-lavado-activos-crea-una-burbuja-inflacionaria (http://www.hoy.com.do/el-pais/2012/4/12/422910/Fiscal-DN-afirma-lavado-activos-crea-una-burbuja-inflacionaria)

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