View Full Version : New website for Public Prosecutor

04-13-2012, 01:50 PM
The National District Public Prosecutor's office has re-launched its web site, Twitter and Facebook sites and has a virtual classroom with online judicial debates.

All publications on the site will go automatically to Facebook and Twitter including a list of all fugitives from justice in the National District.

www.listindiario.com/la-republica/2012/4/13/228659/La-Fiscalia-del-Distrito-relanza-su-pagina-web-y-redes (http://www.listindiario.com/la-republica/2012/4/13/228659/La-Fiscalia-del-Distrito-relanza-su-pagina-web-y-redes)

More... (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#11)