View Full Version : Focus on Haiti and the DR election

04-16-2012, 03:30 PM
What the two presidential candidates have to offer voters in the Dominican Republic has been eclipsed by the focus on present and past corruption, now being linked to Haiti. News media report how the focus has now shifted to two notorious characters: Pedro Julio (Pepe) Goico, close aide to former President Hipolito Mejia, and senator Felix Bautista, a close aide to President Leonel Fernandez.

PRD presidential candidate Hipolito Mejia described the recent revelation of an alleged plot to overthrow the Haitian government based on "evidence" of a taped phone call between Goico and Haitian businessman, Pierre Kanzki as "a smokescreen". Mejia says the announcement of the plot was made to counteract earlier evidence of widespread corruption in the Fernandez administration. The First Lady, Margarita Cedeno is running as vice president on the PLD ticket, creating stronger links of Medina's bid to the Presidency to the present administration.

"Do you think that a single person without being in power and without the intention can overthrow a government? That is a smokescreen to topple the media interest in Felix Bautista and the decline of the candidacy of Danilo and Margarita," he said, speaking at the PUCMM University in the presence of Rector Agripino Nunez Collado. Mejia said that his candidacy leads Danilo Medina by 12 points, as reported in Listin Diario.

Recently, TV journalist Nuria Piera broadcast evidence of alleged irregular operations and trafficking of influence by PLD senator Felix Bautista with contracts in the Dominican Republic, Haiti and Panama. Bautista is the PLD party organizational secretary, and a leading director of the PLD presidential campaign. The evidence has coincided with attempts by the PRD presidential campaign to portray PLD candidate Danilo Medina as a continuation of the present corruption in government. To watch the TV show, see nuria.com.do

Francisco Alvarez of civic watchdog group Participacion Ciudadana said that the announcement was premature, and should have been preceded by judicial investigations that have not yet taken place.

Nevertheless, in Haiti, over the weekend, Justice Minister Michel Brunache reported that the country justice system had launched an investigation into an alleged plot organized by a Dominican ex-colonel in collaboration with a Haitian citizen to destabilize President Michel Martelly's government. In March, Martelly had traveled to Santo Domingo where he was decorated by President Fernandez with the highest government rank.

The plan was denounced last week by Dominican Foreign Minister Carlos Morales Troncoso, Haitian Minister of Justice Michel Brunache and Dominican Attorney General Radhames Jimenez, who attributed the plot to former colonel Pedro Julio (Pepe) Goico, the controversial security chief when Mejia was President and Kanzki.

Kanzki has been described as an export and import businessman who befriended Goico in sports car and motorcycle circles. Goico heads "Los 300", a bike club that is reported to organize frequent bike rides to Haiti.

Goico has not issued a statement in response to the allegations, but Kanzki denies them, saying he campaigned for Martelly and explains his relationship with Goico. In a statement published in Haiti Libre, Kanzski replies: "It happens that in parallel, having resided in the Dominican Republic for over 10 years, I developed a special relationship with various sectors of the Dominican Republic including Retired General Pedro Julio Goico (aka Pepe Goico).

"Pepe like me is an avid fan of motorcycles and since then, we have friendly relations on a regular basis and informal phone conversations.

"It is obvious that these fanciful accusations are much more related to internal issues related to the upcoming Presidential election in Dominican Republic dominated today by an overheated campaign between candidates of the PRD (Hippolito Mejia) and of PLD (Danilo Medina) scheduled to take place next May 20. I reject all the unjust accusations brought against me especially that of plotting against the security of the Haitian state.

"I'll put myself at the disposal of the justice of my country to shed light on this nebulous affair."

www.haitilibre.com/en/news-5409-haiti-politic-pierre-edouard-kanzki-rejects-the-accusations-of-plot.html (http://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-5409-haiti-politic-pierre-edouard-kanzki-rejects-the-accusations-of-plot.html)

www.haitilibre.com/en/news-5397-haiti-politic-reactions-of-the-government-in-the-case-of-the-plot-against-the-haitian-government.html (http://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-5397-haiti-politic-reactions-of-the-government-in-the-case-of-the-plot-against-the-haitian-government.html)

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