View Full Version : Haitians call conspiracy a farce

04-18-2012, 04:40 PM
In a note dated 17 April 2011, Haitian press agency AhpHaiti publishes comments by legislative officials and human rights campaigners in Haiti on the alleged conspiracy by former military colonel and aide to PRD presidential candidate Hipolito Mejia, Pedro Julio (Pepe) Goico and Haitian businessman Pierre Kanzki to destabilize the government of Michel Martelly. The announcement came after TV journalist Nuria Piera revealed suspect evidence on irregularities in deals between PLD senator Felix Bautista and Haitian and Panamanian politicians. Bautista is a close aide of President Leonel Fernandez.

Senator Francois Annik Joseph did not beat around the bush, denouncing the press conference as a big joke and farce, as reported by AHP. "This is a bad taste scenario that was written by an amateur", he said, joking that the government could afford to have paid for a better script, or for a better director like Steven Spielberg.

The legislator added that President Michel Martelly's administration, which he describes as "having both feet in one shoe," is trying to see how to occupy the minds of its citizens. But he advised the President to look for something else. He said the political battle in the Dominican Republic had reached out to Haiti.

Joseph had taken the lead in the senatorial investigation of the two names apparently used by Martelly n Michel and Michael, and had shown copies of his US residency and US passport on the Internet, in a debate on whether Martelly was legitimate. Art. 13 of the Haitian Constitution says that Haitian nationality is lost by naturalization in a foreign country. Art. 15 states that dual Haitian and foreign nationality is in no case permitted. Art. 135 says that to be elected President of the Republic of Haiti, a candidate must be a native-born Haitian and never have renounced Haitian nationality.

On the other hand, the president of the National Assembly of Haiti, Simon Dieuseul Desras commented that the supporters of coups d'etat in Haiti have always used Dominican territory to prepare and wonders why this is only being denounced now. He said the field is not propitious for a coup against Martelly in Haiti. He said that if Martelly were to leave the Presidency, it would be for something else. He warned the government to desist from a return to the old practice of accusing citizens of conspiracy against the state for its own security purposes.

When denouncing the conspiracy at a press conference in Santo Domingo on 12 April, Justice Minister Pierre Michel Brunache mentioned that the prosecutor in Port-au-Prince had been entrusted with the case. In Santo Domingo Justice Minister Radhames Jimenez Pena ordered National District prosecutor Yeni Berenice Reynoso investigate the case.

The Executive Director of the National Network for the Defense of Human Rights, Pierre Esperance said the governments were trying to manipulate public opinion in Haiti and the Dominican Republic to persecute political opponents. He said that it is unbelievable that a retired Dominican general could be thought of as one to overthrow the Haitian government that is protected by a UN occupation force.

The executive secretary of the Platform for Human Rights Organizations (POHDN) Anthonal Mortime said that he doubts the veracity of the information released by the governments of both countries. "It sounds like he believes the move will distract people from the real problems. This is not the time to create events to occupy the minds of the population, but for serving," he said. He called on the countries' leaders to show more responsibility. "If they have clear information that there is a conspiracy against state security, then let the justice system act," he said.

In Haiti, Pierre E. Kanzki, accused of plotting against President Joseph Michel Martelly has rejected all charges, describing them as fantasy, especially the accusation that he was plotting against the security of the Haitian State.

President Martelly was hospitalized in Miami yesterday for treatment for a blood clot in the lung, a side effect of recent surgery. Because of the illness, he did not attend the Cartagena, Colombia 6th Summit of the Americas last week.


www.ahphaiti.org (http://www.ahphaiti.org)

www.hoy.com.do/el-pais/2012/4/17/423575/Lideres-haitianos-creen-complot-es-una-ficcion (http://www.hoy.com.do/el-pais/2012/4/17/423575/Lideres-haitianos-creen-complot-es-una-ficcion)


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