View Full Version : Felix Bautista's flexible budgets at OISOE

04-19-2012, 01:00 PM
Evidence that budgets for contracted work at the Supervisory Office of Public Works of the Presidency varied considerably is presented in a front page story in Hoy today. The many times more than doubling of the original budgets for public works built when today senator Felix Bautista was the head of the Supervisory Office of Public Works of the Presidency (OISOE) is reported. Taking from information compiled for a 2009 audit of the Chamber of Accounts, reporter Marien Aristy Capitan mentions the contracts of 39 public works dated 2005 to 2008 that were amended to increase from an overall RD$4.2 billion to RD$6.5 billion.

Among the public works is the case of the contract for the remodeling of the National Library at the Plaza de la Cultura, where the construction budget increased 1,473%, going from an original RD$88.8 million to RD$1.3 billion.

Equally notable is the difference in what was budgeted for the construction of buildings at the state university (UASD). One building for technology was budgeted to cost RD$283 million, but the government authorized RD$1.1 billion more.

Another is that of the remodeling of the Palace of Fine Arts (Bellas Artes) that was contracted for RD$315 million, but an amendment to the contract added an additional RD$502 million.

Felix Bautista has been under scrutiny recently, especially after TV journalist Nuria Piera presented on her Channel 9 TV show evidence of other suspect irregularities in multiple deals and transactions related to the senator.


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