View Full Version : The election is expensive

04-20-2012, 01:40 PM
Cesar Feliz of the Central Electoral Board (JCE) says that the JCE will spend more than RD$100 million to pay for food for the people who will be working in the 14,470 voting stations, 13,865 of which are in the country and 605 overseas, and around RD$75 million for food, vehicles and fuel for the 55,000 members of the Electoral Military Police (PME) who will be in charge of the security of the voting stations.

He said that each voting station has five members in attendance; the president and the secretary who receive around RD$2000 each and three other members who are paid RD$1,400 each. He said that the amount the police received would depend on their rank.

He went on to say that by Tuesday, 17 April, around 112,000 duplicates of the national identity card, (cedula) had been issued around the country, as reported in El Dia

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