View Full Version : Presidential candidates debate called off

04-20-2012, 01:40 PM
Manuel Cabral, the president of the Young Entrepreneurs Association (ANJE) has announced that they have been forced to cancel the debate between the presidential candidates Danilo Medina (PLD) and Hipolito Mejia (PRD), as Mejia has not confirmed his participation.

Listin Diario quotes Cabral as saying that he had tried tirelessly to obtain Mejia's formal written confirmation, but despite postponing the date from 17 April to 3 May, it had been impossible.

He said that ANJE has hosted debates between congressional candidates since 2000 and this would have been the first debate between the presidential candidates in Dominican history, but they had not been able to reach agreement with the participants on the rules and the logistical aspects.

Cabral said that the rules would have been the same as in previous years in that the only parties eligible to participate would be the ones that received more than 5% in the last elections.

He said that they recognized that their efforts had not been not in vain and that they would continue to build on the initiative as the Dominican people deserve to see electoral debates.

www.anje.org/app/do/pub_noticias_det.aspx?id=854&setTab=1 (http://www.anje.org/app/do/pub_noticias_det.aspx?id=854&setTab=1)

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