View Full Version : Legislators take a long break

04-23-2012, 03:20 PM
Despite being among the best-paid Dominican government officials, legislators have taken a break from their congressional jobs for which they were elected in order to work on their political candidates' campaigns in the 20 May presidential election. As reported in Hoy, only administrative staff is working in Congress where legislative sessions have not been held for the past three weeks. Everything is on hold, including a bill that creates the Participatory Anti-Corruption Initiative, the criminal procedures code, the Political Parties bill, along with others that are pending for congressional decision. Hoy reports that with some exceptions, senators and deputies are not even bothering to drop by their congressional offices, leading the congress building to a period of inactivity. Pedro Germosen, reporting for Hoy, speculates that the situation will continue until the election date 20 May.

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