View Full Version : Loophole in government appointment law

04-23-2012, 03:20 PM
Ramon Ventura Camejo, a minister at the Public Administration Ministry (MAP), who had said that government ministries had to comply with the law that limits the number of appointees to six deputy ministers, is now suggesting a loophole. In February, the MAP had issued resolution 07-2012 that establishes the limit of six deputy minister per ministry. The ministries reportedly have to make the reduction by 17 June. As reported in Hoy, Ventura now says that the government entities could instead change the name of the posts to which the deputy ministers are appointed. Instead of deputy ministers, it is legal to appoint liaisons, commission representatives, project managers, coordinators or delegates to the Ministry.

Of the 19 government ministries, as of last week, only six had sent proposals for reduction of these posts. These were the Ministry of Industry & Commerce, Foreign Relations, Public Works, Labor, Culture and Women.

The MAP is not even sure how many deputy ministers there are. Virna Lissi Pena, director of Diagnostics and Organizational Design at the MAP says that the Controller General once sent a list with over 200, but this has not been updated.

The Ministries that have sent their payroll of deputy ministers to the MAP are: Culture (10), Industry & Commerce (19), Foreign Relations (10), Labor (22), Environment (17) and Hacienda (3).

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