View Full Version : Oliver A. Willis deported to Canada

04-23-2012, 03:20 PM
The National Drug Control Department (DNCD) has announced the arrest and deportation of a Canadian who was being sought for at least 22 counts of trafficking in cocaine and gun possession. Oliver A. Willis was arrested when he was released from Najayo jail where he had been since February 2010. He was in preventive custody at Najayo, arrested for carrying 71 kilograms of pure cocaine. He will now stand for charges at a Quebec court.

He had been arrested in 2010 together with David George Daniel Parker, Giuseppe Mauro and Dominican Wendy Magdalena Abreu Polanco, during an arraignment in Piantini.

Recently, Willis had been discharged of responsibility in the drug trafficking case, despite evidence, but the prosecutor arrested him and delivered him to the Quebec authorities to face at least 22 counts of cocaine and weapons charges in Quebec.

DNCD spokesman Roberto Lebron said that Law 50-88 establishes that when a foreigner fulfills his term he should be deported. He also said that Law 285-04 on Migration prohibits foreigners who are fugitives from the law in their own countries from remaining in the DR.

Willis is suspected of belonging to a network that operates in Quebec and Toronto.

Recently David George Daniel Parker and Mauro Giuseppe were sentenced to 10 years in jail for trafficking in drugs, but Oliver A. Willis and former jail security agent Wendy Abreu were acquitted on the grounds of insufficient evidence.

www.eldia.com.do/nacionales/2012/4/23/80641/DNCD-captura-profugo-canadiense-tiene-22-cargos-por-droga-en-tribunal-de (http://www.eldia.com.do/nacionales/2012/4/23/80641/DNCD-captura-profugo-canadiense-tiene-22-cargos-por-droga-en-tribunal-de)

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