View Full Version : Haitian and Dominican officials meet

04-25-2012, 04:20 PM
Haitian and Dominican government representatives are meeting in Santo Domingo to discuss bilateral development projects that can be funded by international organizations, reports Hoy newspaper. Economy, Planning and Development Minister Temistocles Montas said that they could include health, environment, immigration, security, tourism and culture-related projects, development of the frontier area, energy generation and sport.

The goal is to create a Dominican-Haitian cooperation strategy and Montas said that over the last few years, relations between the two countries had seen a change for the better, referring to the help and cooperation provided by the DR in the aftermath of the earthquake in 2010.

The commission from the two countries meets frequently to decide on bilateral projects for presenting to international organizations.

Haitian Minister for Planning and External Cooperation, Jude Hervey Day, said that it was a great opportunity and that the meetings had enabled the Haitian government to learn from the DR's experience in the design, consultation and approval of projects.

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