View Full Version : Danilo Medina highlights his plan

04-25-2012, 04:20 PM
In a televised presentation hosted by the Corripio media group on TeleAntillas (Channel 2) and TeleSistema (Channel 11), PLD presidential candidate Danilo Medina pledged that his government would introduce a code of ethics and morality in public administration and any government official who public rumor or the press accuses of corruption would be publicly questioned by a government council and would be replaced if they fail to give convincing answers.

Danilo Medina said, "I want to be an ethical and moral President and my government officials to be so too," he said when interviewed for the Vote 2012 TV series.

As reported in Hoy's coverage of the program, Medina said that he would strengthen the Department for Prosecution of Administrative Corruption, and would foster the independence of the Prosecutor General Office. He also said he would respect the single treasury account and would ensure that the governmental procurement law is followed. He said he would seek to overcome the culture of dishonesty that exists in the DR where 'government official' is synonymous with corrupt person. He said that in countries with greater transparency, family and society reject corrupt government officials.

Medina also spoke of goals for quality education with universal coverage through high school. He said his government would work to implement eight-hour school days and that they aimed to increase the average years in school from seven as at present to 12. He said his goal would be to reduce the number of school dropouts and would make 4% of GDP for public education and 0.5% of the GDP available for research.

He said he would seek better ties between the labor market and job training to reduce youth unemployment and promised jobs for single women.

In the health sector, he promised health insurance for all, with quality and reasonable prices. He also announced a fund for catastrophic sicknesses and that he would add 1.4 million citizens to the social security system, including informal workers.

He said that to realize his plan for government, he would carry out integrated fiscal reform to focus on eliminating wasteful spending. He favored increasing the tax base with reasonable rates so that more funds are available for development projects. He favored the signing of a new precautionary agreement with the IMF that did not contemplate disbursements of resources. He offered the creation of a bank for the poor and another for women to provide loans to people who currently don't have access to formal banking.

In regards to citizen safety, the PLD candidate said he would improve the quality of life of police agents to prevent them from resorting to crime to supplement their income.

He announced the construction of the Santiago-San Juan highway, the Monte Grande dam and said he would stimulate farming in the south.

He also said that he would invite all to be part of a national united government. He said he had not promised government posts to anyone. "I want to direct my orchestra... anyone who is out of tune may leave." He said.

Medina also announced he would create a fund to provide loans at fixed rates to farmers. He said the measure seeks to increase food for local consumers and increase exports. For the industrial sector he promised the creation of a Development and Export Bank.

He announced a 1,000-1,500-megawatt increase in electricity generation in four years, utilizing coal and natural gas.

"We are committed to maintaining economic stability and growth," he said, as reported in El Dia.

His main rival, Hipolito Mejia will be on TV live tonight on Channel 2 and Channel 11 from 8-10pm.

www.hoy.com.do/el-pais/2012/4/24/424603/Danilo-implacable-contra-la-corrupcion (http://www.hoy.com.do/el-pais/2012/4/24/424603/Danilo-implacable-contra-la-corrupcion)


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