View Full Version : Mortgage fair sells RD$3.35 billion

02-19-2007, 04:30 PM
According to preliminary reports, the government's commercial banking institution the Banco de Reservas was able to sell RD$3.35 billion during its recent annual mortgage fair. Low interest rates were one of the main attractions leading to the sale of 1,590 housing units at the five sales sites across the country. Apartments, single-family dwellings and villas were all on offer. The Santo Domingo metropolitan area was the leader in sales with 403 units going for RD$992 million. This was followed by the north and northeast of the country, where sales of 424 units generated RD$807 million. There was a great demand for low-income housing, with a 10.66% fixed rate for 1.5 years as an added attraction.

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