View Full Version : Central Electoral Board rejects observers

05-02-2012, 03:30 PM
The Central Electoral Board (JCE) Observation Commission announced yesterday, Tuesday, 1 May that the list of observers for the election on 20 May provided by civic group Citizen Participation (PC) contained some names of people who had cases pending with the judiciary.

The Commission stated that they took a sample of 1,255 from the list of 3,805 names and found 188 cases (15%) with serious inconsistencies.

According to the Commission, the list includes people with criminal records for drug trafficking, links with organized crime, robbery, aggravated burglary, attempted robbery and others.

However, Citizen Participation national coordinator Francisco Alvarez confirmed that the JCE did not want observers at the election and that is why they were discrediting people. He rejected the information given by the court and asked for the JCE to link names with details of the incriminations.

In a telephone call to El Dia, Alvarez said that one of the people the JCE claimed was linked to drug trafficking was journalist Juan Bolivar Diaz

He stressed that most of the 3,000 people on the list had experience of the process and had been electoral observers before with no problems.

Alvarez said it was clear that the JCE does not want PC to observe the upcoming election, as it has done in the past eight elections, and does not want it to carry out the quick count, which has proven its worth in past elections. The quick count is a method for verification of election results by projecting them from a sample of the polling stations. The projection of results is based on official results of the polling station, and thus the importance of the presence of the observers.

Differences have emerged in the JCE in response to the report discrediting the PC observers. Judge Eddy Olivares said today:

"Given that this is such an important topic, there is no justification that a commission, without being authorized by the plenary, issues such a report first to the public opinion, in a press conference, before presenting it to the plenary," he said. Olivares said that this showed a lack of respect for the institutionalism that "unfortunately has been occurring for some time."

"The Central Electoral Board is more than a man. The Board is a collegiate organization, precisely for debating ideas to prevent matters from being imposed by one man.

"If this is a one-person organization then that should have been established in the Constitution, which should have eliminated it as a collegiate body and made it a one- person organization instead," he said, as reported in El Caribe.

www.elcaribe.com.do/2012/05/02/pleno-jce-desconocia-situacion-con-observadores (http://www.elcaribe.com.do/2012/05/02/pleno-jce-desconocia-situacion-con-observadores)


www.eldia.com.do/nacionales/2012/5/1/81255/Observadores-propuestos-por-Participacion-tienen-antecedentes-penales-y (http://www.eldia.com.do/nacionales/2012/5/1/81255/Observadores-propuestos-por-Participacion-tienen-antecedentes-penales-y)


www.eldia.com.do//nacionales/2012/5/1/81263/Participacion-denuncia-la-Junta-quiere-desacreditar-a-los-observadores (http://www.eldia.com.do//nacionales/2012/5/1/81263/Participacion-denuncia-la-Junta-quiere-desacreditar-a-los-observadores)

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