View Full Version : Dominicans head to conquer Antarctica

05-03-2012, 04:00 PM
Two of the Dominican mountain climbers who reached the heights of Mount Everest, Karim Mella and Federico Jovine, and physician Julio de Pena, have joined up with Miguel Jose Moya to climb Mount Vinson, at 4,897 meters above sea level in the continent of Antarctica, some 10,000kms from the Dominican Republic. The team is known as Dominicans at the Heights. Mount Vinson is the highest point in Antarctica. The trip up the mountain could take 20-50 days, depending on the weather. To train for the hike, the group will climb Mount Rainier in the USA in July. The climbers are part of the Seven Summits group that has sought to raise the Dominican flag on Everest, Chimborazo, Kilimanjaro, Mount Kenya, Aconcagua and Elbrus. Karim Mella is the first Dominican to reach the Everest. Jovine, who was also on that trip but failed to make the final ascent, is best remembered for writing a book on the adventure.

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