View Full Version : Asisa: Latest poll has Danilo in the lead

05-04-2012, 04:40 PM
Spanish polling company Asisa reports that their poll of 36,418 potential voters showed that 53.2% of voters preferred Danilo Medina compared to 44.8% for the PRD's Hipolito Mejia. In recent weeks, Medina has pulled ahead of Mejia, and polls are showing it is now unlikely there will be a second round. Gallup, Hamilton and Benenson polls show Medina is likely to win in a first round.

The Asisa poll, because of the large number of people contacted, has a 0.59% margin of error. The poll was carried out from 23 April to 1 May nationwide.

To the question, "Which political party should lead the country's destiny? 52.7% responded by saying PLD and 45.7% PRD.

To the question, "With which of the candidates do most people sympathize? Voters responded 52.5% for Danilo Medina and 45% Hipolito Mejia.

In addition the results showed that Medina would win with more than 50% of the vote in nine out of 11 of the most populated provinces.

More... (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#6)