View Full Version : Newlink posts Medina leading with 52.3%, Mejia 45%

05-04-2012, 04:40 PM
The Newlink polling company released the results of its most recent poll yesterday, Thursday 4 May, with PLD candidate Danilo Medina leading with 52.3% to 45% of Hipolito Mejia of the PRD. Minority parties account for 2.7% of the vote. The Newlink poll surveyed 11,381 people by telephone, 1,515 of who responded to questions. Mauricio Devengoechea, spokesman for the firm, said the results indicate there will not be a need for a second round. Devengoechea said that Medina-Margarita Cedeno formula obtains 12 percentage points more than the Mejia-Luis Abinader candidacy.

The poll was carried out 28-29 April, with a margin of error of 2.5%.

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