View Full Version : Anti-Porn campaign with ex-porn activist

02-20-2007, 09:30 PM
Internet adult content is no more an excitement site. An anti-porn campaign CP80 is gaining its force in Utah, where film company Living Biography supported the idea of anti-porn activists and is going to release a documentary film "Traffic control" to cause a stir and open eyes on truth about Internet adult content.

The group that struggles against adult industry on the net is a part of TruthinPorn campaign that set the plan to involve a the Utah House of Representatives to appeal to the highest authority-the US congress to stop the endless flow of abusing adult content.

However Utah is not the only state to be determined in promoting resolution with the measures against online adult sites. The ultimate goal so far is to move all the sites with adult content to a one Internet port allegedly to make it more under regulation.

An former adult movie star Shelly Lubben who appeared in the film says her story against pornography. After a drug addiction experience and going through health problems - as she claimed all due to adult industry she's been working in, she became an active supporter of the campaign.

Another shocking insight was revealed by Shelly Lubben who said that today's adult industry is more and more addressed to children. A famous porn producer says that it's actually minors who in the near future will be the main consumers of such content. As she claims, many websites plan to use the search words to attract more and more kids to their sites for this purpose,.

Taking into consideration that more than a half of children and teens saw adult sites, anti-porn activists are seriously alarmed.

Although, others view Lubben's words said in the film are quite controversial. FSC director Diane Duke considers that all the fuss around adult sites are much exaggerated by "past workers " who offended the industry because of their personal insults. She says that adult industry is aimed at adult auditory and any tales told by single workers are only pretending to put a moral outlook and get rid of the people who rule this vast adult industry.http://feeds.feedburner.com/~f/Sxxxyorg?i=OxQXcmKR</img> (http://feeds.feedburner.com/~f/Sxxxyorg?a=OxQXcmKR) http://feeds.feedburner.com/~f/Sxxxyorg?i=rRfmDmPa</img> (http://feeds.feedburner.com/~f/Sxxxyorg?a=rRfmDmPa) http://feeds.feedburner.com/~f/Sxxxyorg?i=92UcolSY</img> (http://feeds.feedburner.com/~f/Sxxxyorg?a=92UcolSY) http://feeds.feedburner.com/~f/Sxxxyorg?i=CpinZYfI</img> (http://feeds.feedburner.com/~f/Sxxxyorg?a=CpinZYfI)

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