View Full Version : Center for European Studies at Funglode university

05-08-2012, 03:00 PM
The Global Foundation for Democracy and Development (Funglode) and the Office for Multilateral Cooperation (DIGECOOM) agreed yesterday, Monday, 7 May to create the Center for European Studies at Funglode. The plan is to strengthen academic links between the DR and European nations. During a press conference, Marco Herrera, executive director of Funglode and the National Authorizing Minister for European Development Funds, Domingo Jimenez said the center would fill a gap for disseminating knowledge and encouraging cooperation. Events and workshops will be organized with European and Latin American experts in history, law, government, urban issues, urban development, social inclusion, regional political dialogue, trade and other issues.

The new programs will target government officials, diplomats, legislators, entrepreneurs and NGOs.

The activities will be organized by the Global Institute of Higher Studies in Social Sciences (iGLOBAL), the university level center of Funglode. The new center will also offer a master's degree in European studies.

The agreement was signed in the presence of Irene Horejs, the European Union's representative in the Dominican Republic.

More... (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#8)