View Full Version : In memory of Pena Gomez

05-11-2012, 12:40 PM
Yesterday, Thursday 10 May was the 14th anniversary of the death of Dr. Jose Francisco Pena Gomez, the former leader of the PRD.

Commemorative events took place in the capital and across the country and a guard of honor at his tomb in the Cristo Redentor cemetery.

In addition, a Mass was held in the Church of Las Mercedes at 9am attended by the party's Presidential candidate Hipolito Mejia and Pena Gomez's widow, Peggy Cabral together with other leading PRD figures like Milagros Ortiz Bosch, Emmanuel Esquea Guerrero, Tony Raful, Cesar Cedeno, Ramon Alburquerque and Orlando Jorge Mera. PRD president Miguel Vargas Maldonado was conspicuous by his absence, but as reported in El Caribe he was out of the country and had sent a message of remembrance via his Twitter account.

More... (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#4)