View Full Version : Poll reveals most think elections will be fair

05-11-2012, 12:40 PM
The results of the fourth poll by Penn, Schoen & Berland, organized by the SIN media group, reveal that 66% of those interviewed believe that the Central Electoral Board (JCE) will organize free elections, 23% think there will be fraud and 11% do not know or did not answer.

52% thought that JCE president Roberto Rosario has a favorable image and 20% unfavorable with 28% not knowing or did not answer.

56% said that things were better than when Hipolito was in power and 43% felt things were worse.

33% stated that Felix Bautista was the most corrupt person in the Leonel Fernandez government while 27% felt that the retired Colonel Pedro Julio "Pepe" Goico was the most corrupt in Hipolito Mejia's 2000-2004 administration.

The poll was carried out nationally amongst 1000 people from April 18-22, with a margin of error of 3.1%.

www.diariolibre.com/elecciones2012/2012/05/11/i335605_encuestados-cree-jce-hara-elecciones-libres.html (http://www.diariolibre.com/elecciones2012/2012/05/11/i335605_encuestados-cree-jce-hara-elecciones-libres.html)

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