View Full Version : Nomura say Danilo will win

05-11-2012, 12:40 PM
In a report titled: "Dominican Republic. Done deal?" leading Japanese investment bank Nomura states that it doubts that PRD presidential candidate Hipolito Mejia can overcome the advantage held by Danilo Medina, which points to victory for the PLD in the 20 May elections.

After analyzing the results of the latest polls, specifically Gallup in which they have most confidence, they conclude that Medina has the advantage over Mejia and say that it is unlikely that Mejia will win despite the fact that in May 2011 the polls put him in the lead. They state that the rejection level for Mejia, as reflected by the responses given when asked "Who would you never vote for?" was 40% which is much higher than for Danilo.

Noting that there are now only a few days left before the election, they say that the situation is almost insurmountable for Mejia.

www.listindiario.com/la-republica/2012/5/10/231900/Analistas-dudan-que-Mejia-supere-ventaja-de-Medina (http://www.listindiario.com/la-republica/2012/5/10/231900/Analistas-dudan-que-Mejia-supere-ventaja-de-Medina)

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