View Full Version : Greenberg poll: 51% Medina, 46% Mejia

05-14-2012, 02:30 PM
The Greenberg-Diario Libre poll has Danilo Medina of the PLD edging ahead to win in a first round with 51% to 46% for Hipolito Mejia of the PRD. According to the poll that was carried out 2-7 May with 1,022 people of voting age, Medina will win in the National District (Santo Domingo) 52-44%, in the Cibao 54-43%, in the east 53-47% and in the south 54-45%. Mejia only leads in the north, with 53-45%.

Greenberg says the poll is also marked by a gender gap between the PLD and the PRD. Medina leads with votes from women (57-39%), while Mejia is up with the men (53-45%).

The poll says that Medina leads with Dominicans of higher education, with 16 points ahead among voters with university education. Among people with only a grade school or high school education, there is a tie.

Among minority candidacies, Guillermo Moreno leads with 1% of the vote.

www.diariolibre.com/elecciones2012/2012/05/14/i335969_una-semana-las-elecciones-medina-tiene-ventaja-cinco-puntos.html (http://www.diariolibre.com/elecciones2012/2012/05/14/i335969_una-semana-las-elecciones-medina-tiene-ventaja-cinco-puntos.html)

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