View Full Version : Marcos Lara sentenced in electricity fraud case

05-15-2012, 04:00 PM
A Santo Domingo criminal court has sentenced former director of the fraud division PRA at the Public Electricity Corporation (CDEEE), Marcos Lara Lorenzo for misappropriation of a proven RD$52 million. He was sentenced to four years in prison and a penalty of RD$1 million. The case was denounced on TV by journalist Nuria Piera in April 2009. After the TV show aired, Lara was accused by his boss Radhames Segura who was not investigated in the case. Lara's subordinates Sauris Rodriguez, who was the administrative director of the PRA at the time, and Juan Portalatin Castillo, former procurement director, were sentenced to two years in prison and fines of RD$500,000.

When asked about the outcome of the case, Nuria Piera told Huchi Lora on his afternoon talk show that the two subordinates were the objects of a reprisal by Segura who was not able to determine who leaked the evidence to the TV journalist. She pointed out the irregularity involved, in that the subordinates were accused, but the head of the entire operation was not investigated.

She said it was Segura himself who had accused Lara, with the intention of diverting attention from himself. At the time Segura was seeking nomination as PLD presidential candidate. The matter led, nevertheless, to a subsequent Segura's removal from the post with the escalating of complaints of corruption at the CDEEE.




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