View Full Version : All set for the 2012 presidential elections

05-18-2012, 03:40 PM
Tabare Vazquez, the head of the OAS electoral observers' mission, called on the Dominican people yesterday, Thursday 17 May, to continue behaving peacefully during the electoral process. He said that citizens had showed a high level of respect, tolerance and brotherhood so far, and while he acknowledged that the elections were very important, life goes on, countries go on and society was more than just elections.

Vazquez, who is a former President of Uruguay, confirmed that everything was in place for 20 May.

Most of the 374 invited international observers are now in the country. 214 are observers, 30 invited by the Central Electoral Board (JCE) and 130 requested by the ruling PLD and main opposition PRD parties.

According to law, the parties have to cease campaigning 24 hours before the election, and alcoholic drinks cannot be sold from 6am on Saturday until 9pm on Sunday. On Election Day itself, there can be no public shows, either in the open air or behind closed doors.

The JCE has prohibited its employees from using electric domestic items since yesterday in case they affect the electronic system at the JCE, as reported in El Caribe.

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