View Full Version : OAS makes a series of recommendations

05-22-2012, 02:00 PM
With the purpose of contributing to the strengthening of the election and democratic processes in the country, the Organization of American States (OAS) international observers team has made several recommendations to the Central Electoral Board (JCE), which include establishing clear limits on the electoral-political campaigning period and controlling finance and expenditure throughout the process.

They also want changes that will guarantee equal access for all the actors in the election to the media, promote women's participation in the political parties' decision-making processes and in the presentation of the candidates for election to high-ranking party posts.

They also suggest that the JCE should take effective measures in response to the reports of violence, the purchasing of voter ID cards (cedulas) as well as votes themselves, and that they firmly apply the regulations on the carrying of firearms on election day. Finally, the observers suggested that the JCE adopt criteria that cover the responsible use of surveys and polls by the political actors.

In his final report on the observation of the process, released to the press by the head of the OAS observer delegation, former President of Uruguay Tabare Vazquez said that OAS Secretary General Jose Miguel Insulza congratulated Danilo Medina and Margarita Cedeno on their election victory. He also greeted the candidates in the election process and the civism of the Dominican people.

US ambassador in the Dominican Republic Raul Yzaguirre and representatives of international agencies in the DR attended the presentation of the report. The observers reiterated their congratulations to the members of the Central Electoral Board (JCE) for the organization of the election process.

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