View Full Version : National debt is 30.9% of GDP

05-22-2012, 02:00 PM
The quarterly report from the Ministry of Hacienda indicates that the total public debt, without including the financial sector, was US$17 billion, which represents about 30.9% of the nation's GDP. Over 70% of the debt (US$12.35 billion) is external while the internal debt is slightly over 28% or US$4 billion plus.

Listin Diario says that the external debt represents 22% of the GDP. The debt is composed of money from multilateral financial institutions, with the most money owed to the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), followed by the International Bank of Reconstruction and Finance.

The International Monetary Fund is owed over US$850 million dollars.

Internally, the highest debt is that of the recapitalization of the Central Bank that cost some US$2.1 billion. There are bonds worth US$2.0 billion and the local banks are owed US$588 million.

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