View Full Version : Senate preparing for proclamation new DR President

05-23-2012, 03:40 PM
Yesterday, Tuesday 22 May, Senate staff started preparations for Danilo Medina and First Lady Margarita Cedeno's proclamation ceremony. The National Assembly will proclaim Medina as President-elect and Cedeno as Vice President-elect. They are awaiting the final figures from the Central Electoral Board (JCE). The Constitution establishes that before the president of the Senate assembles the senators and deputies for the solemn act of proclamation, the JCE must release the final figures. The formal swearing-in ceremony will take place on 16 August.

Hoy also reports that the Senate members have not attended to regular legislative business, outside of politics, since 10 April. Senate president Reynaldo Pared Perez, a close aide to Danilo Medina, has yet to set the agenda for regular legislative issues. The same has occurred in the Chamber of Deputies, where the highly paid legislators have also instead dedicated their energies to their political campaigns. Hoy reports that in the Chamber of Deputies more than 200 bills await the opinion of deputies and in the Senate, a further 150 bills that need to be adapted to the 2010 Constitution are dormant.

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