View Full Version : Congratulations from around the world for Medina

05-23-2012, 03:40 PM
Yesterday, Tuesday 22 May, Danilo Medina, President-elect and Vice President-elect Margarita Cedeno de Fernandez received messages of congratulations from several countries, as reported in El Dia.

The High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs, Catherine Ashton praised the peaceful and orderly organization of the presidential election and congratulated the winner, Danilo Medina of the ruling PLD party.

Spain's Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, Jose Manuel Garcia Margallo praised the example set by the population in the voting and said that Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy would be phoning Medina to congratulate him.

The government of Taiwan, via their ambassador in the DR, Tomas Ping-Fu Hou, congratulated Minister of Foreign Affairs Carlos Morales Troncoso for the role played by his party, the PRSC in the recent electoral triumph.

Haitian foreign minister Laurent Lamothe and his Colombian counterpart Maria Angela Holguin also praised the democratic and participative elections.

He also received messages of congratulations from the Presidents of Brazil and Venezuela, Dilma Roussef and Hugo Chavez, as well as the governor of Puerto Rico, Luis Fortuno.

The US Embassy congratulated the Dominican people for the organization and efficiency of the election, both in the DR and overseas, stating that it reaffirmed the country's commitment to democracy. The Embassy congratulated Danilo Medina and pledged to continue cooperating with the new government on matters of mutual interest.

More... (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#3)