View Full Version : Hipolito will talk with Danilo

05-24-2012, 04:30 PM
While some PRD deputies are calling for the head of Miguel Vargas, former PRD presidential candidate Hipolito Mejia has announced his willingness to engage in dialogue with Danilo Medina, winner of the presidential elections. Nonetheless, he made his participation conditional by adding, "as long as it not with the criminals," in the Leonel Fernandez administration. He warned that the ability to govern in this country is being placed at serious risk, which in his opinion endangers the national democratic and institutional system.

Mejia said that as a firm believer and practitioner of the democratic system, his responsibility is and will be to report every error made by the new PLD administration. He said that Medina would not have the opportunity to fulfill the established government program and what he promised the country, repeating that he is open to talks as long as officials who have been identified as criminals because of their use and abuse of power and illicit enrichment, which they show off and everyone knows about, do not take part.

More... (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#6)