View Full Version : PUCMM rector urges Danilo Medina to choose staff wisely

05-25-2012, 02:10 PM
Monsignor Agripino Nunez Collado, rector of the PUCMM University said he hoped that president-elect Danilo Medina would appoint government employees who will serve the country and not to help themselves to power.

He said that he knew Medina and was confident that he would be careful to appoint honest people who worked for those values.

In his opinion the country has the challenge that the winners and losers of the elections had to work together in unison, and that the main challenges included unemployment, the cost of living, drug trafficking, crime, education and health.

Nunez Collado said he was pleased to see that the PRD presidential candidate, Hipolito Mejia was ready to talk with the president-elect for the good of the country as the country needed dialogue and to reach a consensus in order to solve the main problems people were concerned about, as reported in Listin Diario.

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