View Full Version : Trip #16.. Two days of Drama and Love

05-26-2012, 08:12 AM
So last minute I got a flite out of delta. The 8am flite to STI. Got it for free so I was a little happy and this starts my NEW montra that "There is No SUCH thing as FREE"... Whenever I hear FREE from now on I will assume to pay double to avoid issues.

I had been back and forth with my cousin on FB who was harrasing me about how much fun they were having on the annual memorial trip. So I decided Id shoot down real quick.

So I get to airport and Im 1st class so cool, flight is pretty packed so Ill have my space. I board, take my seat and all is well. As the flight loads up the lady from the desk walks over and ask to talk to me. Somehow, my ticket voucher was reported stolen. Now I reached my peoples and they said there was some sort of mixup and It would take time to sort out. Now Im already seated and ready to roll. Not gon let this little issue stall my quick adventure. Pay up front and Im good to go.

Side bar - I dont do budgets but since I will be in boca chica next week I figured for two days Id just bring a little something. Was gon see exactly how much I could NOT spend. Plan failed before the flight left.

Now I get my 1st vodka and OJ to ease the pain. Told the lady to keep em coming. I was a little pissed but happy to get away. I see this young cutie in uniform limping over to me, I assist her with putting her crutches away and she sits next to me. We eye fuck each other for about 30 seconds and she introduces herself. She is Beyond beautiful. Young and in the airforce. We immeditaley kick it off and talk the whole flight. For every negative (Flight issue) There is a positive (Met a new friend).

Land in STI and I part ways with my new friend. As I go for a cab I hear these guys trying to negotiate and the cab is tryna charge them $130 to POP. I got my cab to sosua for $70 so I intervene and suggest we split the cab since its basically the same route and their guy knew the Mt route which is faster.
They agree we go $50 a piece, Cabbie is not too happy that I got involved but I hate to see anyone get robbed. These guys were not newbies but it was their 1st time flying into STI. Not sure if they knew the price scale for the Taxis.

I get to sosua and a BIG thank you to Rick who I emailed last minute to see if he had a room available. Great guy and he had a room ready and waiting. I took the advice of others on the board and decided to change up a bit. I will be staying at Rockys or sosua suites from now on.

Now we get to the drama, or is it the love?

Trip #15


05-26-2012, 08:19 AM
Tough start, are you going to get a refund since you had a voucher?

05-26-2012, 08:28 AM
Nice Start, thanks for sharing.... Just FYI the lowest you gonne get is $45 per person from STI to Sosua in a taxi, noone has been able to go below afaik .. It seem to be the per person price.. so you did good. They turning into real mother fuckers at STI, worse than POP by far, because they KNOW we saving money on the flights to STI as apposed to POP. but When you say fuck it, we all gonna take the bus then the prices come down real fast.
Looking forward to the rest of your quick getaway report.

05-26-2012, 08:44 AM
So as usual I never let anyone know Im coming into town. I see you when I see you. I decided to reach out to Milli whom had been courting me alot on FB and basically told me she will do anything for me.

Now I only had two NEW girls on this trip so you can check Trip 15 for pics to match some of the names. Im honestly a little leary of posting pics now because I was asked by Lincy whom have I shown my pics to. She wouldnt get into detail but it had me a little curious.

So Milli doesnt respond, But she had called and text me at 430am the night before. So I figure she is working and Ill get with her later. I hit the beach with my Coco Loso and relax over at Mofongo King and eat.

Simultaneously I get a text from Natasha and Lincy. Both are in Santo Domingo and heard I was in town. (Word does spread fast)

Now I usually rush to get the 1st nut but I was chilling and figured Id get up with Cuzzo for a bit. So I relax on the beach a bit, 4 Coco losos later I decide to hit up Rumba. I get to Rumba and 1st person I see is the Young stallion Marie.. Now I remember someone commenting about how these girls have their moment. Well Marie's 15min of fame are up. She still looks good but she looks a little worn out. From a few weeks ago to Now it seems sosua has taken its toll on her. That smile was no longer bright it seemed a little forced. Either way I decide she could be an option but I got more drinking to do.

I get a Big Hug and kiss from an old Friend of B&B who has been tryna fuck me for a while. I do have an old pic of her and I damn sure cant remember her name. We get back to her later. We talk but as usual she knows I am not interested. She is fine, but I know she is up to something with fucking me so I regress.

Now two days prior, B&B calls me out the blue and we have normal convo. Just hey how you been etc etc. She then tells me my cousin made her cry while she was with one of his boys. Of course I know my cuz he is an asshole but Im sure she is leaving the story to her favor.

Just so happens Cousin hits me on FB and tells me the story. She goes back to their house and when she gets there sees my cuz. She immediatley tries to run out, so in goes cuzzo. She has my name tatted on her shoulder and her stomache. She told my cuz boy that my name was her dead father. My cuz called bullshit and she got upset. Stupid rhetoric but funny to say the least.

Now B&B and her sisters walk in and give me a big hug and kiss and we talk for a bit. I laugh at her father being dead and she just smiles. Knowing I know she can lie no matter how many people counter her stories. Good convo and laughs and they depart.

Now word got to Dari and she starts to text me about where am I. I tell her Im home knowing she already knows I am here. In walks her, Marta and some Little gorgeous new friend. They come to my table and sip with me laughing and joking for a bit. Dari knows I have spoken to Milli. I find out they are best buddies until the VP is brought up and then there is drama between the two. :rofl:
Now Dari offers me Marta and her other friend. Just no mas milli.. I may have to take that offer. Marta tells me that they are all leaving to go to a party in Boca chica next week (Hmmmmmmmmmmm. That could be interesting) So knowing this, I see no rush to jump on any of them. Ill see em again soon.

They head off and in Walks Milli (Almost on Cue) Milli is happy to see me and wants to go fuck immediately. Now Marie is sitting behind me so I decide to call Milli out. Happy hour with Marie. Marie is hesitant but Milli says cool.
We head out. Time to get numero uno out the way.

05-26-2012, 08:45 AM
Tough start, are you going to get a refund since you had a voucher?

Ive gotta actually go to Delta and work this out. I didnt know it was a voucher. It was a favor but I got all the receipts so ill get down there tuesday.

05-26-2012, 08:49 AM
Nice Start, thanks for sharing.... Just FYI the lowest you gonne get is $45 per person from STI to Sosua in a taxi, noone has been able to go below afaik .. It seem to be the per person price.. so you did good. They turning into real mother fuckers at STI, worse than POP by far, because they KNOW we saving money on the flights to STI as apposed to POP. but When you say fuck it, we all gonna take the bus then the prices come down real fast.
Looking forward to the rest of your quick getaway report.

Well I have one Guy FROM santiago whom I call from time to time. Yet there is an older Gent I believe he may be like one of the head drivers or supervisor or whatever. I promised Id use his cars the next time I was in town if it was cheap. He saw me and I kept my word so he kept his. I try to build relationships instead of just waving them off. What if I cant reach my guy and have no choice but to use his service? Id prefer to be in good standing and he did good by me.

And Yes, They are wising up to the STI airport to POP/Sosua.

05-26-2012, 08:53 AM
Well I have one Guy FROM santiago whom I call from time to time. Yet there is an older Gent I believe he may be like one of the head drivers or supervisor or whatever. I promised Id use his cars the next time I was in town if it was cheap. He saw me and I kept my word so he kept his. I try to build relationships instead of just waving them off. What if I cant reach my guy and have no choice but to use his service? Id prefer to be in good standing and he did good by me.

And Yes, They are wising up to the STI airport to POP/Sosua.

This can work with some of them in every country.

05-26-2012, 09:05 AM
Myself and Mili get to the room 1st as Marie was not far behind. Mili immediately goes in and shows exactly how much she missed me. Marie shows up and now the fun begins (Or so I thought). They both shower, Both kiss me, but they are not attracted to each other once the clothes are off. Marie tries to save face and gives me a BJ but I want ACTION !!

We all talk back and forth and I remind them both what we discussed at Rumba. Mili will lick Marie but Marie is hesitant and now in full backdown mode. Shit, Damn, Mothafucka !!! I got wood that could get top price at a lumber yard and this bitch fucking it up. She would prefer to lick her friend Maria. Well Maria aint around and its GO time.
Adios Marie. I give her $200rd for her time. She didnt even hesitate because she knew I was pissed. I turn back to Mili and she explains that she was down but really didnt like Marie.

Now Mili gives me the ultimate GFE and Im cool. Load gone and Im happy. We go at it again and the Vodka and Oj (Started at 8am) and the coco losos (Bottle finished) combined with two sessions with Mili have put me to sleep.

I wake up about 130am and its time for classicos..

05-26-2012, 11:23 AM
Get dressed throw On My Favy D-quick Tee and Im off. Mili stays sleep, but knows I will bring back a treat for us to play with. :lol:

I walk in Classico and its VP Circa 2003.. I walk in and everyone is giving hugs and shaking hands. I got that lil tear out the side of my eye. felt like a superstar.

Bump into my boy who is with a newbie and find out my Cuz is passed out from the days events. Me and newbie talk and he see all the love and it just blows him away. I too am a little surprised because I get love but this night was a little extra.

Now I make my rounds and sip my presidente. Get the complimentary finger from Dari who is pissed cuz Im still fucking Mili. I see Boca Chica, We talk and for reasons beyond me girls just paid her no mind as they came up to talk to me. Cindy even came up and stepped in front of her like she was invisible. Havent found out why but no one likes this girl. Now I tell cindy to go and try to finish my convo with BC. Another girl pulls me away and now Im turned off by BC because she hasnt said a word and the girls are just acting as tho she isnt there. So BC gotta go.

Cindy now comes back and she does what it takes to get my attention. She can be very seductive indeed. I made my decision and let cindy know Mili will be joining us. Cindy is cool but quotes $3k (Tells me for tln she usually charges $3500) Now she already knows this isnt going down. I decide I will make ONE counter offer and then its on to other options.. $2k and not a penny more. She smiles and agrees and we are off.

Now Dari jumps at me and curses me for fucking Mili and not her. She is beyond mad. I tell her to cool it and we talk later.

Cindy and I get to the room and I shoulda realized the little scene with Dari would only be the start of the Drama.......................

05-26-2012, 11:53 AM
Now we get to the room, I wake up Mili and introduce her to Cindy. They know of each other and are hitting it off. Cindy talks alot and I think it relaxed Mili a bit. Off and on each one is kissing me and then back to their convo. Im getting a little annoyed because I am ready for action but Cindy seems to want to play this game and in a way its turning me on more.

Now cindy is kissing my left ear and my phone goes off. I look at it and its B&B going off about me leaving with cindy. Cindy can see the text and she gets pissed and calls B&B.. She proceeds to curse her out all the while I go to the bathroom. My phone rings and Cindy answers when she see its B&B calling back.. Yet its her sister threatening her and hanging up.

Now women are women everywhere. Unstable and emotional. B&B just fucked two of my good buddies, She met Cindy through me when I introduced them for a happy hour after my halloween party. I no longer deal with B&B because she couldnt grasp the honesty concept. How and why she felt the need to get emotional and send the text is beyond me but oh well. I shield off the convo back into these 3 naked bodies we have here.

Cindy calms down and I tell her not to worry. Ill speak with them because the situation was stupid and I dont like girls fighting.
When Cindy goes in the bathroom, Mili pulls me over and says she likes her. She confessed to not liking Marie but she does like Cindy.. Jackpot !

I step back in my B-Boy stance and just watch as these two 69 and go at it. They almost forget Im there and thats exactly how I like it. They are into each other Now Imma get into them. I start off with Cindy cuz its been a while and its just as good as I remember. She licking Mili and Im stroking her and....... Well you know. :rofl:

I switch back and forth a few times and Just shoot a nice one all over Cindys face. We all lay down and about 530am Cindy want to go get something to eat. I hate being awoken in my slumber.. I get up to open gate for Cindy and back to sleep with Mili.
Now Cindy wanted to come back but I wanted to sleep so I told her another time.

Back in the Room to Practice my Cuddling. Day one Finito..

el toro
05-26-2012, 12:38 PM
Nice quick getaway my dude. Glad you get could get another one in.

My sister works for DeltaK. I'm not on the fly free list, and if I go through her for the buddy pass it can be cheap, but in the end costs me more in some form or fashion so you're right "free" always costs someone in the end.

05-26-2012, 12:46 PM
Day Two starts out with me getting a fine breakfast at Rockys and a Nice nut with Mili. We part ways and she asks me to promise I not fuck any girls without her. I dont like promises but that seems an easy one to keep. In house happy hour? Why Not?

I head to the beach and chill with Mosha, Get some stewed chicken and get whipped in Chess. Sit there and just enjoy the day while shooting the shit with Mosha and some guys from NJ. I get a text from Natasha that she has arrived and wants to see me. I oblige and tell her to meet me at Mofongo king where I will be starting the second day of coco loso.

We meet up and she joins me and the owner of MK in the coco loso experience. She is just so pretty and innocent looking. She invites me to stay with her in Santo Domingo whenever I am in town. She lives alone so I may take her up on that offer. We laugh and drink and I cut to the chase because I see she is eager to fuck. I ask how much will this set me back. We do the phone game and she types $2k I drop a zero and say I thought I was her esposo.. She goes to $1800. I go to $1400. (I actually love this game.) She goes to $1600. I tell her $1400 and she pays for the moto.
She cant believe I just said that but I cant believe she quoted me $2k. So after the game we agree on $1500 and she pays the moto. I insure she has change for moto and we are off.

Now prior to our negotiations, Mili walks by looks and looks away. Her reasoning is respect, she didnt want problems with any girl. Ok, Well promise broken because I cant find you and I aint looking.

We get back to the room and natasha goes in. Nice GFE, I was never with her alone so I didnt realize how nice her body was. We go at it and I let a nice one go. Natasha wanted to stay and cuddle but I got the itch for the strip. We both head Rumba and she meets up with her peoples I tend to my Coco loso.

Rumba is packed and Im just enjoying the scenery when B&Bs old friend comes up AGAIN and gives me a kiss and ask when I will fuck her. Well I wave her off and we share a laugh. She tells me she will get me.

I kick it with a few lady friends just catching up and getting some flirting from their friends and so on. I go and talk to B&B and the sisters and tell em to cool it. All the drama is unnecesary. We squash it and then BAM !!!! As I walk back to my table at Rumba I see B&B's old friend in some Yellow spandex and oh god I never even noticed how sexy this girl was.. She proceeds to only let me see her from behind, knowing Im stalking her ass like a tiger to a gazelle. I have to catch myself and keep my composure. Cant let her know how bad I want to fuck her. Edge - VP (Always)
I get back in the game and just wait for my chance to strike. In walks Dari (Who cant stay mad at me long), Marta and the cutie. They surround me and we just laugh and play around. Mili is there but keeps her distance FAR away.

I walk to the bathroom and am greeted by a very nice darkskin girl who I take for Haitain but after a few words I realize she is English. Introducing Tracy. Her friend just got married to a dominican and they were in town for a while after the wedding. NICE !!!
She notices I have an entourage of ladies and insist she should go. I ask her to turn around so I can view the ass (I asked politely - Im a gentleman) She complies and I almost catch myself from asking her "Cuanto"... :rofl: She is No puta indeed. She ask where Im staying and I sarcastically ask her if she is trying to get in my pants.
Well, You cannot make this shit up.

She ask for my number and then says she will buzz me later. Cool. I sit back with the ladies and in about 15min I get a text. She wants me to meet her at Winner circle for a shot. Cool.
I head out and we take two shots of mama juana, this girl was already drinking and was deffinetely into me.
Now her friend pulls up and ask if she is ready. She is with her new husband who looks familiar but I duno. She asks me to come along to a house they are renting in POP. Cool. They had some convo when we got to the crib and the friend leaves. Tracy and I go to her room by the pool and its a very nice spot. Somewhere a little past the little go cart park thingy.. Some of you should know. I dont.
Tracy ask if I come here for the pussy. I tell her I come for the beach. She starts to kiss me and I lost myself for a moment. This nice dark (Not keen on dark meat but she was sexy) english women is all over me in SOSUA?? I proceed to :biggrin: and she catches me but then tells me she will give me somthing to make my smile bigger. Nice BJ and the two of us are barebacking on her balcony. As I bend her over I think to myself again... Your banging an English chic in sosua. :rofl:
She tells me she is about to cum (I hate when they do that - It triggers my nut for some reason) So I in turn now am ready to blow and she backs up as I attempt (Ill leave that in lower case letters) to pull out. Needless to say my swimmers are all up the english channel.

My phone is going bananas and its Lincy who is on way in town and Dari who wants to fuck. So Tracy gets that I gotta go(I would have ran out like I love to do, but I had no clue where I was so I would have felt stupid) We exchange email and FB info and promise to meet up again before I leave..
I get back to Rockys to freshen up for the night as I plan on starting early and ending late.. The remainder of this nite will be funfilled and interestingly dangerous.

05-26-2012, 02:44 PM
As the World Freakin Turns

I freshen up and head to Winners Circle, Apparently my cousin had came looking for me earlier but I was busy with Ms England.
I meet up with Cuzzo and a few of his boys. One guy who was a newbie last year and totally was getting gamed by these chicas. They were charging him 3000 a nut. He didnt know better but we fixed him up. He still had that in Aww look on his face but he was safe with Cuzzo.
Now I shoot the shit with everyone, say Hello to Jaimy and I think tonight might be the night but she tells me her mouth hurts so NO Sucky sucky.. See ya when ya feel better babez....
I attempt to talk to the other bartender and she quotes $3500 tln.. I told her she crazy, She ask how much I pay and I said for you? $2000 (I expected a 2500 counter offer which I would have considered) She said no posible and I moved on.

Side Note - Now I had this convo with a guy the day prior. I hang with girls in America for the most part. I tend to do the same in sosua. For some reason every girl im seen with people think Ive fucked but I like Rockys am "Chica Friendly" I have some who are badder than ones Ive fucked but I keep em at a distance no matter how bad I want them. Just a game I play. Yet all the chicas whom Im cool with know ill always hook em up with a friend or some newbie I met who doesnt wanna get screwed his first time. So needless to say it is why I get so much love and so much hate.. Double negative I guess...

Now Newbie (I still call em that) and I chat and I ask how things been going. He good but I can tell he is holding back cuz he doesnt want cuzzo to rip into him. Cuzzo is good at pissing you off. Family gift I guess.. So I see some lady friends who happen to be with this stun stun (Im stuttering lol) Stunner.. Blond hair, no waste and a huge ass.. I bring all three over to newbie and tell him to choose. He gets the "Aw gosh" Look and cant stop smiling. Now stunner is something special, but like I said I cant let her know that. So I ask her how much for ST and she starts to say dos, at the same time Im pointing to newbie. This bitch looks and says $3500... Now newbie is no looker but his money is just as good as mine and he is a friend. I tell her to bounce, she wants to negotiate but I tell my amiga the reason and she should know better. My amiga proceeds to give her an earful and explained she blew a payday when she cudda blew my buddy.
Newbie grabs another amiga he likes and he gets $2k tln (She witnessed me sending stunner on her way 10min earlier and she got with the program)

Now, if any one read TR 15.. Young lady with huge ass no waste I met at winner circle. Whom I cudnt nut and just paid her and told her to leave?
Well she was there and I introduced her to my other boy. They kicked it and I have to say she looked so much better this night (Maybe cuz her hair was down) That I considered taking her myself but let my boy have his fun. Im just kicking it and glad everyone is happy.

My boy has a chic stalking him and he leaves. Now chica whom I didnt nut with (We gon call her powder from now on - Pay attention) is now sitting alone and pulls me over. She reminds me she owes me a good session. She stares in my eyes and I look at that body and damn.. What should have been a red flag was when she said "Free baby you know".... I hate that fuckin word now. So I bid my cuz and them farewell and decide we meet in classico in a lil bit.

And I swear, You cant make this shit up.

05-26-2012, 02:56 PM
Me and Powder get to my room and she strips down and just like I remember, Oh so fuckin sexy. She is what I like. She starts the BJ and im just looking at her huge ass bent up in the air as she swallows and licks VP into happiness.

(Imma put a little extra room so no one reads wrong)

This bitch jumps up and says "Un Momento Poppi" Im like Ok. I did tell her I needed condoms so she going to get me some condoms from her bag...
She tosses three DR condoms on the bed, im not mad tho She has me turned on and I predict this session should go well.
Then she opens her cigarettes (I didnt know she smoked) Pulled out some powder and takes two fucking hits.......................... WTF

No excusing herself to the bano, no tryna hide it. Bitch just takes two hits and then starts walking back reaching for my dick..... Hell to the mothafucking NO !!!!!!

I tell this bitch she must be crazy. She gets her mouth back on me (I didnt put up much of a fight Ill admit) But then Reality set back in and this bitch had to go. I dont knock anyone else but I dont rock like that. Id prefer drug free pussy as well. So I bark on powder and tell her to get dressed. She is a little stunned but Im just mad now cuz twice I wasted my time with this bitch and she a damn drug addict.
Im getting dressed and in between her apologies I hear two more snorts.. You gotta be fucking kidding me. This bitch has no shame. I start to grab her arm and escort her out. She sneaks in two more hits.

Nah this bitch gotta go. Cant have no puta ODing on me. I not so kindly escorted her out and got myself together for classico.

Wait for it !! :iconTU:

05-26-2012, 03:23 PM
LOL this is a great mini report. its like a movie. Im literally waiting for the next 1 lol...good shit as always!

05-26-2012, 03:52 PM
I'm gonna have to pay more attention to Lincy.... She reminds me of someone that I once knew lol.


05-26-2012, 04:15 PM
Nah this bitch gotta go. Cant have no puta ODing on me. I not so kindly escorted her out and got myself together for classico.

Oh don't be a wuss.

If she OD's just throw her in your convertible, drive over to Lance's house and give her an adrenaline shot to the heart and that's it.

You make it sound like its a big deal or something. :rolleyes: :corky: :rofl:

05-26-2012, 05:12 PM
Nice Start, thanks for sharing.... Just FYI the lowest you gonne get is $45 per person from STI to Sosua in a taxi, noone has been able to go below afaik .. It seem to be the per person price.. so you did good. They turning into real mother fuckers at STI, worse than POP by far, because they KNOW we saving money on the flights to STI as apposed to POP. but When you say fuck it, we all gonna take the bus then the prices come down real fast.
Looking forward to the rest of your quick getaway report.

there is a price board right in the parking lot , i believe it is right next to a shack. was about 75 dollars. thats the price you just point to the sign and one of them will take it. the first guy that walked up to me and asked me what i was looking for i told him the sign we walked over to it and i said" is that the price? " he said yes and we left. the price is not per person its for the car. If you can speak even a little spanish they won't even bother trying. Once in a while i meet someone who has gone once or twice and when i talk to them about it They have a totally different price stucture than me, I'm not just talking about the taxi I'm talking about any type of service, especially puta prices . I know ive been there many times, but when i ask if they speak spanish they all say "that doesn't matter" ....... Dream on because it makes a big difference.

05-26-2012, 07:40 PM
Me and Powder get to my room and she strips down and just like I remember, Oh so fuckin sexy. She is what I like. She starts the BJ and im just looking at her huge ass bent up in the air as she swallows and licks VP into happiness.

(Imma put a little extra room so no one reads wrong)

This bitch jumps up and says "Un Momento Poppi" Im like Ok. I did tell her I needed condoms so she going to get me some condoms from her bag...
She tosses three DR condoms on the bed, im not mad tho She has me turned on and I predict this session should go well.
Then she opens her cigarettes (I didnt know she smoked) Pulled out some powder and takes two fucking hits.......................... WTF

No excusing herself to the bano, no tryna hide it. Bitch just takes two hits and then starts walking back reaching for my dick..... Hell to the mothafucking NO !!!!!!

I tell this bitch she must be crazy. She gets her mouth back on me (I didnt put up much of a fight Ill admit) But then Reality set back in and this bitch had to go. I dont knock anyone else but I dont rock like that. Id prefer drug free pussy as well. So I bark on powder and tell her to get dressed. She is a little stunned but Im just mad now cuz twice I wasted my time with this bitch and she a damn drug addict.
Im getting dressed and in between her apologies I hear two more snorts.. You gotta be fucking kidding me. This bitch has no shame. I start to grab her arm and escort her out. She sneaks in two more hits.

Nah this bitch gotta go. Cant have no puta ODing on me. I not so kindly escorted her out and got myself together for classico.

Wait for it !! :iconTU:


el toro
05-26-2012, 11:31 PM
That powder chic is a bold bitch. Damn!!

Sosua is full of tackhead chicas so it's only a matter of time that you come across some, but that taking hits not just once, but again after you tell her to leave is some ignorant shit.

I had one chica last year that when I asked if she wanted to stay after the first session, made the sniff sniff cokehead gesture and asked to use my phone. First off what chica doesn't have at least one phone and secondly I said HELL TO DA NO YOU GOTS TO GO!. I probably would have punched her in her grill at that time if she would have snorted in front of me because I was just discovering the chica drug habits then.

05-27-2012, 06:20 AM
Oh don't be a wuss.

If she OD's just throw her in your convertible, drive over to Lance's house and give her an adrenaline shot to the heart and that's it.

You make it sound like its a big deal or something. :rolleyes: :corky: :rofl:

Well if She was Marsellus Wallace's wife then that would be an option.. lmaoo :rofl:

05-27-2012, 06:42 AM
So After the Powder Incident, Im in dire need of a shot and a cuddle buddy. I have no clue where Mili is and I want something good tonight.
I hit winners circle again get me two shots and again explain to Jaimy that she is NOT an option with a broke boca.. Another american laughs as well cuz she wants to go with someone it seems.
Head into classicos and see my boy and Dari and her crew. We all are on the dance floor and as the shots settle in and the music blasted, I was in full dance mode. first time I danced that much since I was breakdancing in the late 80's.. I danced with Dari and all her crew then a few other girls and really just had a great time dancing.
As I type Im wondering if I took a hit or popped a pill cuz I damn sure was happy and dancing.. :rofl:

Needless to say, Dari tries to claim me. Puts her wallet in my pocket as she confesses her love. After my dance fest I make my rounds and bump into Lincy. She told me she would meet me, but I honestly forgot. So she ask can we go. She has missed me indeed.

Now since I found Lincy, I gave Dari back her wallet which she was not very happy about but she seemed content as long as I was not with Mili. Yet Lincy wanted to hit WC for a few shots so if I bumped into Mili she would be joining us.

We get our shots then decide to grab some chicken, As we walk Dari pulls me to the side. She sees me getting angry because I am not in the mood for any more of this jealousy bullshit. She politely ask me to buy her and marta some chicken. Cool. I thought drama was coming but a kiss on the cheek later and Im going home with Lincy. The food was a waste, As soon as we got in the Room Lincy Ravaged me and we did what we do.

There are only a few girls I repeat with that I like and give me exactly what I want without me having to say much and Lincy is one of them, Now I read in another TR that she likes to talk alot. I never actually experienced this until the next day.

Day two Finito

05-27-2012, 07:05 AM
I wake up and decide to start getting ready because I thought I would be making the 1pm Delta out of STI. I was WRONG. Dude never booked my flite so I had to wait till he got in to work which was after 5pm to get info. That was no good because I had an Important video conference saturday afternoon couldnt chance being late or missing it.
So Im a little stressed because of this. I mess with Lincy she wakes up and I regret that cuz she wouldnt shut the fuck up. Maybe it was cuz I had something else on my mind or maybe because I never actually heard her talk so much.
Either way, I decide to put a plug in her boca and we get back to doing us. I decide to head out and make a few calls to get me a flite.

I chill in Rumba and make my flight arrangements. Get me a later flight from Jetblue out of STI. Cool so Now I got some time to waste.
Milli is now texting and calling me nonstop. I answer and she tells me how mad she is and so on. She comes to meet me and tells me she was arrested last night. I ask her why she did not call me as I would have came to get her. She claims she did and then tells me, She was outside classico watching me talk to powder in winners circle when they grabbed her.
Well I explain thats her own fault for not coming to talk to me. She agrees that she was being jealous and we make our way to the beach.

- Pause - Now My phone had been going off a bit while I was with Powder and later in classico but a few calls were from Tracy who left me a nice nasty english voiced mesg when I never responded and the other numbers I didnt recognize so I didnt answer.

After a while on the beach she wants to go, but I decide to chill for a while and told her we will meet later before I go. Im tired, and sex is not even on my mind right now. (Yea really wasnt. Just wanted to drink a beer and sleep)

I meet these two canadians (Eh) lol. and their both high as hell, so much so one keeps forgetting what I just told him 5 min before. We converese their newbies and have some older gent who is chasing down under age girls showing them around. I tell em to hit a few spots as well as the New Garden Pool party I heard about. Shared some info with them as they only knew After 1, Classico and Latinos. Nothing more.

05-27-2012, 07:39 AM
So I make my way back towards Rockys and figure Ill lay up with Mili until its time to go. As Im walking I bump into this cute thing and she is all giggley with her friend so I say Hello, they come over and this girl is very sexy. So much so I am now back in the mood for sex. Introducing Clarisa or Marisa (I swear I need to start remembering names) She is not too slim but a nice booty and pretty face. Her friends starts annoying me by asking for a happy hour (This seems to be the new thing or new to me - It seems girls will offer happy hours to help their friends make money as well)
I tell her no because to me the friend is not attractive at all. Too Flaca for me. I ask Clarisa (For now) what can we get into since I am leaving the beach, She quotes me $1500. Thats perfect because I was only offering $1k. She insist on 1500 but I tell Her I have $1k and not a penny more. We can go to my hotel now if she wants or I can go solo.
She tells me she will take my $1k but she cannot go to hotel and is insistant we go to her place. Im confused but this girl has my attention I tell her to ditch the friend and we go.

We hop a moto and head to her place now as we are going I think to myself why did she not want to go to my hotel? Get to her place which is near the ATMs and liquor store and theres a girl in the bed. She tells the girl to leave and after some protest and a bunch of Cono's... She leaves. Clarisa goes to wash her pussy (I hate when they ONLY wash the pussy but whateva) She comes out and has a damn near flawless body. Not really my type or as thick as Id like but she is right in her own way and very sexy the way she carries herself. She proceeds to BJ and its nothing to brag about but then I feel her nice clean pink pussy and I just gotta taste it.
I have never seen this girl, wish I woulda got a pic but Im not sure she ever got her pussy eaten before. She went fucking bananas. Every lick drove her crazy and turned me on even more. I decide Imma go a little extra and kiss her all over to get her even more open, as I suck on her rock hard nipples attached to very nice breasts she just gets more and more intense. I nibble her ear as she feels me poking at her and she reaches down and pushes me inside her then starts to kiss me passionately and Im almost lost for words because the pussy is so godamn tight I had to make sure I wasnt in her ass.
Im stroking and at this moment I cant tell who is enjoying this more. Me or her. Cuz Im open now. Her pussy is soak and wet and its the only way I was able to go deeper and explore her depth while she totally fucked my back up with her nails I just kept going. She came and had a siezure and that moment was so on point that it forced me to let loose and have a mini siezure.

I actually had a WTF moment. One where I was discombobulated and dizzy for a second. This girl just rocked my world. That nut felt like my 1st nut when I lost my virginity. I thought I was gonna throw up. It just took everything out of me. I could have turned over and slept like a baby. She attempts to cuddle but Mili is blowing up my phone because we were to meet at 130pm and its now 145pm... Damn I jump up and get dressed and we part ways. Now I usually would give more money but I only had a few pesos and I decided to save that for Mili since I hadnt given her anything the whole trip. If there is $100 Pussy, that should be what it feels like.

05-27-2012, 07:52 AM
Head back to Rockys and meet Mili, she is still pissed from the night before but she is happy to be with me. I head to the room and we talk and sleep.

I have to Thank Rick again, His Hospitality is second to none.

I get the call my cab is on the way and Mili decides she wants VP in her life one more time. We go at it and then its off to the airport.

I get harrassed by some security dude who wanted to know Why I was visiting and is anything in my bag. I politely responded No Habla Espanol.. He got an attitude and said I could go.
Get on the plane and OMG, This girls face has been stuck in my head since the flight. She works for Jetblue, doing the communication with the pilots and ground crew so she was in and out the plane. We made eye contact and I didnt know How to approach her since she was working so I smiled and Walah She smiled back. Imma have to stalk her when I go back to STI..

Thats the End. Had fun didnt spend much. Saw a few forum favorites.. Jar Jar with her hubby came and showed me love as usual and she actually looks More annoyed with this dude now.
The Chica with the braces and the huge ass. I think I read she was in her 30's? I tried to get her for a friend and she let me know quick she couldnt talk because her boyfriend was there. Nice two day trip and NEVER will EVER take anything Free. Id prefer to pay a small fee than get fucked over by Free.

Thats my story and Im sticking to it.

05-27-2012, 09:09 AM
thanks vp. You sure packed a lot into only a couple of days!

05-27-2012, 09:13 AM
thanks vp. You sure packed a lot into only a couple of days!

Thanx. I now wish I took some pics. I just wasnt in the mood for some reason.

05-27-2012, 11:15 AM
I got that lil tear out the side of my eye. felt like a superstar.

VP no sentence sums it up as accurately as this one. Everytime I walk into Classicos the tears always fall because that place is nothing but absolute joy. Very well captured in one perfectly written sentence!

05-27-2012, 11:32 AM
Great report playboy! :iconTU:

05-27-2012, 12:17 PM
Pure greatness.

05-27-2012, 03:58 PM
Nice report. You sure packed allot in a couple days. Nice job!

05-27-2012, 05:29 PM
good shit good shit!!!!!!

05-27-2012, 07:18 PM
Guys like you make this sport that much better! Salute!

Mr. Smooth
05-27-2012, 08:29 PM
Great report!! You seem to get more done in a couple of days than others do in a week.

Hope you find that airport chica the next time down. :iconTU:

05-27-2012, 08:53 PM



05-29-2012, 06:47 AM
Great report!! You seem to get more done in a couple of days than others do in a week.

Hope you find that airport chica the next time down. :iconTU:

I gotta look for her soon. She is Gorgeous. She is Deffinetely WU/Visa material. lol. She has a good job so no WU for now. :rofl:

05-30-2012, 04:02 PM

Delta sobs wouldnt give me a refund but they did give me miles and a free upgrade on my next flight. Ill take that for now.

Me and Ms Airforce are to meet up tonight if she makes it into NY. If not I will see her when I get back.

Dari, Boca Chica and a list of other chicas are mad at me (As usual) because I didnt spend any time with them. I also forgot BC birthday was monday, I told her I would be her gift but she would have none of it. lmaoooo

Oh Well. Thus is life. Lets see what the next seven days has to offer.

Stay Tuned... Trip #17 :corky:

05-31-2012, 12:18 PM

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

06-01-2012, 08:07 AM
Then she opens her cigarettes (I didnt know she smoked) Pulled out some powder and takes two fucking hits.......................... WTF

No excusing herself to the bano, no tryna hide it. Bitch just takes two hits and then starts walking back reaching for my dick..... Hell to the mothafucking NO !!!!!!.

Powder sounds like a Colombiana snow bunny, except that the Colombian chica would have offered you a hit too. ZERO shame.

06-01-2012, 09:50 AM
did you meet mrs airforce?

06-01-2012, 12:27 PM
Great report VP. I can now barely wait for my next trip.

06-08-2012, 11:26 AM
Great report VP. I can now barely wait for my next trip.

when you going again bro? I'm planning a short trip july or august. my last visit didn't go as planned.

06-08-2012, 11:33 AM
VP, what can I say my friend but what an absolute pleasure to meet you, CapBartman and hang with you guys in Sosua. Like we said on our last night, we need to meet up there again.

So with that said, I'm planning a trip in September..Sep 24 - Sep 27th to be exact. Same destination, Sosua!!!

Wanna join?

Boon come thru if you can at that time also.

06-08-2012, 12:35 PM
VP, what can I say my friend but what an absolute pleasure to meet you, CapBartman and hang with you guys in Sosua. Like we said on our last night, we need to meet up there again.

So with that said, I'm planning a trip in September..Sep 24 - Sep 27th to be exact. Same destination, Sosua!!!

Wanna join?

Boon come thru if you can at that time also.

I'm with it. Let's all plan this out.

vpchill, where the pics at bro?

06-08-2012, 01:53 PM
I'm with it. Let's all plan this out.

vpchill, where the pics at bro?

Boon VP is a little occupied at the moment. Let's just say that his harem knew he was in town and they made sure he was aware of how eager they were for his company. I was hanging with VP in Rumba one afternoon and in a matter of 30 damn minutes, he had like 5 ladies come up to him all professing their love.

I'd be a little patient with VP on this matter. Let him come back to the US and then we'll see a killer trip report.

As for September, I will start up a new roll call thread.

06-15-2012, 04:09 PM
I'm blushing. Damn have I been here this long?