View Full Version : Danilo Medina to the press: Don't call me, I'll call you

05-29-2012, 01:50 PM
A spokesman for President-elect Danilo Medina said he had nothing to tell the press because he is currently spending all his time receiving the people and representatives of sectors that worked for his win. Medina spokesman Rafael Ovalles apologized on behalf of the President-elect. "He says when he has something of importance to say, he will call you. "

Medina's predecessor, President Leonel Fernandez is notorious for being unavailable to the local press.

Medina was at the party's Campaign Headquarters where he received his supporters. Hoy reported they arrived early in their SUVs and took up all the side parking at Sarasota Avenue. Last weekend, Medina was in his native San Juan de la Maguana for another meeting with the party faithful.

Hoy reports that Medina has not notified his agenda for the transition days.

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