View Full Version : PLD looks for scapegoats in New York

05-29-2012, 01:50 PM
While the PRD is immersed in heated debates over the future of its president Miguel Vargas, the victorious PLD is also going on the hunt for the so-called traitors who kept the PLD from sweeping the elections for the overseas deputies in the United States and Canada. Much to their surprise, the PRD won more seats than the PLD. According to today's El Nuevo Diario, Tuesday, 29 May, the situation arose a few weeks before the elections when the PLD candidates began to notice that some party members were working for other candidates. Everything came to a head when the former Consul General in New York, Francisco Fernandez complained that he had been betrayed by his comrades and called for their heads. He pointed to people who hold important positions in the United Nations and the OAS as well as inside the consulate in New York. The PLD lost in 174 of the 184 voting stations. The PRD and its allies totaled over 54% of the vote.

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