View Full Version : Proposal to start disarming the population

05-30-2012, 02:30 PM
Yesterday, Tuesday 29 May, Interior and Police Minister Jose Ramon Fadul announced he was working on a plan to gradually disarm the population, aimed at controlling the levels of violence in the country, especially domestic violence.

Listin Diario quotes him as saying that violence had increased this year, mentioning a recent case where a child killed an adult after being given a weapon by another adult. He added that so-called crimes of passion, shoot-outs and domestic violence had all increased.

Fadul said that most acts of violence registered in the country had been committed with illegal weapons that have been brought in by sea as well as from Haiti, and called for increased controls.

The Minister said that the Ministry of Interior and Police would apply a strict classification plan to determine who could be granted permits to carry and possess a gun.

He added that they would gradually reduce the number of firearms in the country that currently stands at 207,000 legal weapons. He did not provide details on the action plan.

Hoy page 2 Que Se Dice column writer, Claudio Acosta commented that whenever there is violence similar statements are made, but that unfortunately, beyond expressions of concern there is little action. He comments that there are too many buts and interests that oppose the disarming of the population.

The president of the Dominican Society of Psychiatry, Dr. Jose Miguel Gomez said that perversely, the government directly benefitted in taxes with the increase of gun permits.


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