View Full Version : Internal conflict continues at the PRD

06-04-2012, 01:50 PM
The open dispute between the Hipolito Mejia and Miguel Vargas factions in the PRD continued over the weekend. The supporters of former PRD candidate and former President Hipolito Mejia met on Friday and decided to suspend party president Miguel Vargas Maldonado and expel several of his followers. But the National Executive Committee (CEN) of the PRD met on Sunday and annulled the decisions. During the meeting, the attendees decided instead to accuse the former presidential candidate of irregularities.

The PRD is now divided into Miguel Vargas Maldonado's followers under the National Executive Committee (CEN) and supporters of Hipolito Mejia now under the Political Commission.

Both politicians blame each other for the 4 points loss in the 2012 presidential election. Miguel Vargas sought to be the PRD presidential election and never actively campaigned in favor of Hipolito Mejia. It was Vargas himself, nevertheless, who with the signing of the Blue Ties Agreement (19 May 2009) with President Leonel Fernandez opened the doors for Mejia to run again for President. The changes that made it possible for the congressional and presidential elections to be held in the same year, for legislators to be elected for a one-time six-year term, and for former Presidents to run again for office were formalized in the 2010 Constitution.

www.hoy.com.do/el-pais/2012/6/3/430870/Miguel-Vargas-se-descarga-contra-Mejia-en-discurso (http://www.hoy.com.do/el-pais/2012/6/3/430870/Miguel-Vargas-se-descarga-contra-Mejia-en-discurso)

www.hoy.com.do/el-pais/2012/6/3/430800/PRD-Miguel-suspende-a-HM-Orlando-Andres (http://www.hoy.com.do/el-pais/2012/6/3/430800/PRD-Miguel-suspende-a-HM-Orlando-Andres)

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