View Full Version : Forests grow in the Dominican Republic

06-05-2012, 02:20 PM
Today, Tuesday 5 June is World Environment Day, and the Dominican Republic has some encouraging news: the forest cover of the nation's mountains has grown to nearly 40%. Over the last 27 years, reforestation projects, conservation efforts and effective use of the forests.

The information had been presented earlier on occasion of World Forests Day. The information was compiled for the National Forest Coverage Study. The study revealed that the forestry coverage has increased almost 8% since 2003, and is today at 39.7% nationwide.

Study showed that 500 years after the colonization, the country by the early 1900s had lost about 15% of its forestry coverage. But 50 years later, it had lost 66% due to population growth and unsustainable exploitation. Efforts in the past 50 years, nevertheless, have reversed the trend.

See this link for the presentation of the study findings:

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