View Full Version : President Fernandez inaugurates hospital

06-06-2012, 02:40 PM
Yesterday, Tuesday 5 May, President Leonel Fernandez and Minister for Public Health Bautista Rojas Gomez inaugurated the expansion and modernization of the Juan Pablo Pina public hospital in San Cristobal, at a reported cost of RD$540 million.

The Health Minister said that the renovations consisted of three annexes, each with three floors, a new emergency unit with modern equipment and the remodeling of other areas and consulting rooms.

He said that it was a significant investment and the hospital was now one of the most modern in the country. The emergency area is now on three levels, including pediatric emergency with six rooms, a trauma center with nine and internal medicine with seven.

Other improvements were to gynecology, labor ward, intensive care, surgery, neonatal, post operative and the pharmacy.

In addition there were improvements in the consulting rooms, bathrooms, x-ray area, laboratories and the development of a virtual library.

During his visit to San Cristobal, Fernandez also inaugurated a baseball field and two schools, as reported in Listin Diario.

President Leonel Fernandez is spending the final weeks of his second consecutive term inaugurating a series of public works. During his term Fernandez orchestrated a change in the Constitution that bans consecutive re-election but now allows him to run for office again in 2016.

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