View Full Version : Shop owners protest used clothes imports

06-11-2012, 05:20 PM
Days before the start of a new government, shop owners grouped under ONEC are protesting that the Department of Customs (DGA) is violating Law 458-73 that prohibits the importing of used clothes. A recent news story revealed that traders are purchasing the packs of used clothing in Miami and then paying in Customs for the dispatch of the merchandise. The traders say they pay their taxes at the DGA. ONEC spokesmen say that Law 458-73 that bans the import of used clothing relates to all entry points, be they ports, airports, border crossing, and even sales carried out by free zones operating under duty-free regimes.

ONEC expressed its concern on the grounds that this is illegal competition for their businesses that pay taxes. They also expressed concern that the used clothing could transmit diseases.

Several years ago, the former director of Customs, the late Miguel Cocco sought to end the trade, arguing that the biggest losers were small Dominican seamstresses and tailors who could not compete with the imported used clothing.

More... (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#7)