View Full Version : Two new deals needed for DR-CAFTA

02-26-2007, 04:30 PM
Julio Ortega Tous, chief negotiator of the National Trade Negotiations Commission, has suggested that free trade agreements with Mexico and Canada are needed in order to make the DR-CAFTA agreement work for the benefit of the Dominican economy. According to statements made by Ortega Tous, and reported in Hoy, such agreements would allow for more variety of raw materials used in local manufacturing. Such an accumulation of the rules of origin, according to Ortega Tous, would allow textiles, for example, of Mexican origin to be used in Dominican textile factories and then re-exported to the United States under DR-CAFTA rules. Ortega Tous also pushed for finalizing the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) with the European Union, which will strengthen relations with the CARICOM nations.

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