View Full Version : Time to donate blood

06-12-2012, 01:50 PM
The president of the board of the Hospital Plaza de la Salud, the country's largest medical center, said the country has a deficit of more than 200,000 units of blood. Dr. Julio Amado Castanos Guzman, a hematologist himself, said that there is a need to develop a culture of donating blood among citizens. He described it as a civic duty, an act of solidarity and citizen commitment. He explained that the country's high maternal mortality rate is often caused by hemorrhages as a complication during childbirth. Another major cause of death is blood loss following traffic accidents.

The doctor called for a blood donor culture to be promoted and encouraged in the National District and across the country. He said that university students needed to be encouraged to donate blood, because they are excellent candidates. For more information on donating blood, call 809 227-9295 Ext 1116/1119 at Plaza de la Salud.

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