View Full Version : Schools to take undocumented students

06-14-2012, 03:00 PM
The Ministry of Education and the Department of Migration agreed yesterday, Wednesday 13 June, that schools would continue accepting undocumented foreign students for an indefinite period, as reported in Diario Libre. Nevertheless, the Bono Center, a social sciences think tank states that the measure reflects once more the fact that the country urgently needs to define a coherent immigration policy in keeping with the reality of the situation. The head of Migration Department, Jose Ricardo Taveras, did not say whether Circular 7475 that prohibits illegal foreign students from being accepted in state schools would be revoked. The measure had been widely criticized.

The officials announced the creation of a fund at the Ministry of Education to help cover the expense of assisting an estimated 24,000 illegal foreign students to get identity papers. The process is estimated to cost RD$1,200 per student. However, the director of Migration made it clear that this process and the registration in the Foreigners' Register (Libro de Extranjeria) does not mean their status is legalized. According to official data, there are 54,808 foreign students in Dominican public schools, of whom 33,000 are Haitian and 24,000 are undocumented.

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