View Full Version : Central Bank puts inflation at 0.68% for year

06-14-2012, 03:00 PM
The Central Bank (BC) reports that the inflation rate for May, measured by the variation of the Consumer Price Index (IPC) was -0.27 compared to April, which influenced the accumulated inflation for the first five months of 2012 and made it 0.68%. The institution said that the annual inflation rate measured from May 2011 to May 2012 was 3.54%.

The report indicates that the result of the measurements reflects the slowdown of the growth rate of the internal prices during the course of the year and places the country in a favorable position for complying with the Framework of Inflation Targets (EMI) established in the Central Bank Monetary Program. This will permit, if it continues, some flexibility in the monetary policy. (The EMI is a strategy of Monetary Policy that establishes quantitative goals of inflation for a determined period of time, and that in accordance with the Monetary Program for 2012, the bank set the goal at 5.5% with a range of tolerance of +/-1%). The report from the Central Bank says that the annual underlying inflation rate for the last 12 months was 3.67%.

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